Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gay Marriage vs Polyamory vs Marriage

An interesting question was posed by Ivon Bartok (Ivonbartok is his twitter ID) on twitter. "Interesting debate tonight with my girlfriend: If you believe in gay marriage, can you be against polygamy? Discuss?"

When I started to respond, I realized, there was no way I could make a "well thought out" argument with the character restrictions. Now, of course, everything posted in this blog is my opinion, and mine alone.

If you believe in gay marriage, can you be against polygamy? Well, anyone can be against anything they want to be against... but I think the underlying question here is, can one be moral and the other immoral? Yay for morality questions!

I come from a very interesting background. I grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon religion). And guess what? Mormon's used to practice polygamy!!! Yet, just recently, President Boyd K. Packer (one of the church's apostles) called homosexuality impure and unnatural. So obviously to this group, polygamy is ok for it helps the "multiplication" efforts that God commands. In other words: "Go forth and fuck as many women as you can marry." But on the other hand, they can be against same sex rights, marriages, etc, because there is no multiplication occurring.

But that's just my personal beef with the church coming through. My personal opinion? If two men love each other, they should have every right and protection to be together. If three women love each other, they should have the rights and protection to be together. If two men and six women all love each other, they should also have the rights and protection to be together.

Our problem is we get caught up in this ideal world where everyone gets married and marriage means you're perfect. In the end, legally, marriage gives you rights, protection and tax benefits. I don't care if we call it marriage, just allow everyone the same rights. Protect all equally. And stop judging people for being who they are and loving who they love.

So ends the rambling.

1 comment:

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    Please keep writing more for us!
